"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease"
Thomas Edison
where YOU become radically responsible for YOUR health, strength and vitality by unlearning and relearning how YOUR body works, why it fails YOU and what daily steps YOU need to take to unleash YOUR FULL POTENTIAL.
The Ultimate Freedom Project will teach YOU and YOUR FAMILY how to make better decisions daily.
THE BODY RESETTING PROTOCOL and ERGO FOR MORE LIFE will put YOU in charge of YOUR health ... but only if YOU are ready - it is not for everyone!
Looking forward to see YOU on the inside and help YOU optimise YOUR experience here on Planet Earth.
Hej, I'm Mats
I am passionate about helping you understand how your body works so you can look after it and maximise your inborn potential.
The possibilities are virtually infinite... when you take radical responsibility ... you don't need more treatments ... just better understanding!
At the Ultimate Freedom Project our mission is to reform/redesign the concept of health/vitality and put you in charge. Your amazing body is designed to heal, regulate and maintain itself, and to thrive - It’s an inside job!
Your body is not designed to become painful and full of problems. The Ultimate Freedom Project is an educational Project that teaches you how your body works, why it fails and how you can look after it.
We are passionate about helping you unleash your full inborn potential by knowing what to do. Traditional treatment is outdated, invalid, costly and doesn't make sense since your body is designed to heal.
Our aim is to make you independent and in charge of your health/vitality by knowing what to do to prevent your ‘rubber band’ from snapping - see philosophy. Your body is capable of so much more and you deserve to know how.
With your help we intend to have a Global Impact on Human Health and Vitality.
The Project - Body Resetting Protocol
It all starts with an introduction to The Body Resetting Protocol, and it is a two part online workshop.
The introductory workshop is divided into -
The Theory, how your body works and why it fails.
The Body Resetting Protocol, the hands on practical concept of spinal hygiene which also includes Ergo For More Life - how to set up your environment where you live/work/play.
We help people and families, extreme athletes and the elderly maximise their inborn potential so that your body can do what it is designed to do - heal itself and thrive regardless.
Very few people realise the enormous potential that resides within them and how to unleash it for a healthier life. Your ability to heal and recover are enormous when you remove ‘the obstacles’ often due to the accumulative effect of your every day activity i.e. modern/normal living which is often far from natural.
We make sure that you receive ongoing support by inviting you to our closed FB group and monthly zoom tutorials.
Our intention behind the Ultimate Freedom Project is that once ‘You Know’ how your body works, from attending the Body Resetting Workshop, you become part of the Ultimate Freedom Project, by sharing your new wisdom with friends and family.
It is all about Spinal Hygiene and how this wonderful lifeline, your spine, needs to be looked after to keep you healthy and able. Without regular resetting and the understanding for how to set up your environment, your health and vitality will continue to deteriorate as you get older.
We do not accept age as an excuse for pain and problems and neither should YOU … it is time for a change. The Ultimate Freedom Project allows you to take charge of your health/vitality by making better decisions daily.
When sharing your new wisdom you will be able to help friends and family to these universal concepts about ‘how to maximise our inborn potential’.
It is only through people like you who are ready to take responsibility, radical responsibility, that we can change the current trend of ever increasing number of people of all ages suffering pain/problems.
With your help, we intend to have a Global Impact on Human Health and Vitality one spine at a time. We are very excited for your interest and looking forward to see you on a Workshop soon.
Dental hygiene tells us that brushing our teeth twice daily prevents holes.
How about daily spinal hygiene to prevent pain and problems in your spine/joints/muscles ... heart/lungs/stomach/bowel/organs/brain ... ? It is all connected, you know! You now have a choice!
I was lucky or being guided by a higher force to get introduced to Dr. Mats and his way of working and recalibrating the body and system. Coming from a semi professional background of extrem sports Like freestyle snowboarding and downhill mountain biking I had my fair share of heavy accidents and pushing my body and bones many times beyond their purpose. I have been struggling with chronic pain, mainly lower back and hip for the last 15 years and have been failed by classic medicine, various chiropractors and osteopaths in all these years.
After some initial relief, all went back to bad or even worse with reaching the age of 40.
I never experienced such a dramatic improvement with so little time effort since I am in treatment with Mats.
I'm extremely grateful to be part of the freedom project and will do my utmost to keep working towards a pain free future for myself and others.
Mats’s work is revolutionary. Instead of focusing on the pain, which resurfaces a few weeks or months later, he teaches a profound change of lifestyle program. Putting the power back into your hands instead of continual visits to your therapist. The exercises he recommends are simple, effective and you don’t need any equipment or a studio. Do them while out and about, at home, in the pool even!
I first met Mats at a talk he gave where he eloquently explained why we suffer from back issues and how we are conditioned since toddlers to contract our skeleto-muscular system leading to poor deportment and overcompensation by various muscle groups.
Simple changes like buying a new mattress, standing instead of sitting at your laptop (use a stand), daily resetting and keeping the neck up instead of looking down all the time have certainly helped me. Highly recommended!
Some things you can’t describe with words.
When I had a big depression a year ago and my body shut down, with absolut no energy, no life force and no hope Mats came into my life. With the body reset program he gave me the tools to come back, now, with more energy and a body and mind stronger than ever. I have no words …
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